8 research outputs found

    Menu-Based User Interface Systems: Theory and Practice

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    The thesis discusses the menu selection technique, which is one of the most commonly used interaction techniques in Human-Computer Interfaces, and continues to flourish because of its simple interaction format and its adaptability to the many diverse applications. The ease of use of the technique, particularly by novices, contributes significantly to the widespread acceptance of menu-based user interface systems, despite their inherent disadvantages and drawbacks. Chapter One surveys the issues concerning the design and use of menu-based interfaces, and addresses particularly the navigational problems encountered by users of menu selection systems, identifying various navigational aids which help overcome these problems. The chapter concludes with a comparison between menu-based interfaces and other interface styles (command language, natural language and form-filling). Chapter Two describes the practical work of the thesis which consists of implementing a particularly demanding menu-based interface example involving multiple menu selections using four different dialogue specification systems. The implementation is discussed mainly from a menu system designer's view. Strategies to solve or address the multiple selection mechanism problem as well as some the navigational concepts discussed in chapter one are devised and used within each the four target systems. Also, some other related user interface design issues are reported in chapter two. The principal aim of the work is to investigate the difficulties a dialogue designer may face in attempting to implement a common type of menu-based interface using various delivery systems, all of which claim in varying degrees to support menu-based interactive styles. In the final chapter conclusions are drawn from the practical work concerning desirable menu support features in user interface implementation systems, and issues requiring further investigation are identified

    Contribution à un cadre de spécification et conception d'IHM de supervision à base de services web dans les systèmes industriels complexes: Application à une raffinerie de sucre

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    This thesis presents a contribution to the HMI design which consists of a global framework towards the supervisory HMI specification. It’s based on some research on design and methodologies aiming to integrate interactive service oriented applications developpement from the software engineering and the HCI points of view under a business vision. This framework is based on models and methods issued from software engineering on the one hand, and on web technologies and business processes on the other hand. We highlight the different phases of a complete design process where focusing mainly on the first steps towards the HMI specification step taking into account the specificities of the web services.We have applied the proposed framework so that to validate its main principles on a representative study case relative to the supervision of the sugar refinery industrial process, at CEVITAL (an agro-alimentary industrial group based in Béjaïa, Algéria).The research perspectives aim notably to the enhancement and extensibility of the framework on the one hand, and investigate on what this approach inspires like technical solutions to the design engineers and ergonomic challenges to the ergonomists on the other hand.Ce mémoire présente une contribution à la conception d’IHM sous la forme d’un cadre méthodologique global en vue de la spécification de l’IHM de supervision en tenant compte des pistes de conception et méthodologiques visant à intégrer un développement d’applications interactives orienté services sous les angles du GL, de l’IHM, tout en ayant une vision métier. En d’autres termes, il prend la forme d’une démarche s’appuyant sur des méthodes, et des modèles issus du GL d’une part, des technologies et ingénierie du web et de la gestion des processus métiers d’autre part. Dans ce cadre, nous mettons en avant les différentes étapes du processus complet tout en focalisant sur les premières étapes allant jusqu’à la spécification de l’IHM et tenant compte des spécificités des services web.Nous avons appliqué le cadre proposé en vue de démontrer ou valider les principes fondateurs sur une étude de cas représentative relative à la supervision d’un procédé industriel d’une raffinerie de sucre du groupe agro-alimentaire CEVITAL de Béjaïa (Algérie).Les perspectives de recherche visent notamment l’amélioration et l’extensibilité de la démarche d’une part et ce qu’inspire cette approche comme solutions techniques pour les ingénieurs concepteurs, puis comme défis ou nouvelles problématiques pour les ergonomes d’autres part


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    Vers un développement orienté services des applications interactives dans le domaine de la logistique, étude de cas

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    International audienceCet article contribue au domaine de l’interaction homme-machine (IHM), en proposant un cadre méthodologique global en vue de la spécification de systèmes interactifs dans le domaine de la logistique, pouvant aller jusqu’à la e-logistique. La logistique est vue au sens large en étudiant les besoins des différents acteurs d’une organisation complexe, vis-à-vis de l’exploitation de nouvelles technologies où l’accent est mis sur les services web et l’architecture orientée services. Le cadre proposé a été appliqué sur une étude de cas complexe représentative, relative à la fonction logistique d’un groupe agro-alimentaire

    Contribution à un cadre de spécification et conception d'IHM de supervision à base de services web dans les systèmes industriels complexes (Application à une raffinerie de sucre)

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    Ce mémoire présente une contribution à la conception d IHM sous la forme d un cadre méthodologique global en vue de la spécification de l IHM de supervision en tenant compte des pistes de conception et méthodologiques visant à intégrer un développement d applications interactives orienté services sous les angles du GL, de l IHM, tout en ayant une vision métier. En d autres termes, il prend la forme d une démarche s appuyant sur des méthodes, et des modèles issus du GL d une part, des technologies et ingénierie du web et de la gestion des processus métiers d autre part. Dans ce cadre, nous mettons en avant les différentes étapes du processus complet tout en focalisant sur les premières étapes allant jusqu à la spécification de l IHM et tenant compte des spécificités des services web.Nous avons appliqué le cadre proposé en vue de démontrer ou valider les principes fondateurs sur une étude de cas représentative relative à la supervision d un procédé industriel d une raffinerie de sucre du groupe agro-alimentaire CEVITAL de Béjaïa (Algérie).Les perspectives de recherche visent notamment l amélioration et l extensibilité de la démarche d une part et ce qu inspire cette approche comme solutions techniques pour les ingénieurs concepteurs, puis comme défis ou nouvelles problématiques pour les ergonomes d autres part.This thesis presents a contribution to the HMI design which consists of a global framework towards the supervisory HMI specification. It s based on some research on design and methodologies aiming to integrate interactive service oriented applications developpement from the software engineering and the HCI points of view under a business vision. This framework is based on models and methods issued from software engineering on the one hand, and on web technologies and business processes on the other hand. We highlight the different phases of a complete design process where focusing mainly on the first steps towards the HMI specification step taking into account the specificities of the web services.We have applied the proposed framework so that to validate its main principles on a representative study case relative to the supervision of the sugar refinery industrial process, at CEVITAL (an agro-alimentary industrial group based in Béjaïa, Algéria).The research perspectives aim notably to the enhancement and extensibility of the framework on the one hand, and investigate on what this approach inspires like technical solutions to the design engineers and ergonomic challenges to the ergonomists on the other hand.VALENCIENNES-BU Sciences Lettres (596062101) / SudocSudocFranceF

    A Framework combining Agile, UCD and SOA approaches for Collaborative Disaster Management system Design

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    International audienceDisaster management is a special type of human complex organisation in which heterogeneous human actors belonging to different authorities collaborate and work together with the shared aim to solve, or at least reduce, the disaster situation. Thus, the collaboration in this case within team members and with other teams operating at the disaster site(s) is very critical and complex; the achievement of the desired goal heavily depends on this collaboration. Interactive and easy to use services in these scenarios are very valuable and necessary as they can improve collaboration, coordination, and communication amongst team(s) to achieve the desired goals. For this purpose, in this paper, we propose a novel design framework for complex disaster management systems. We combine agile characteristics and principles, user-centred techniques and service-oriented architecture paradigm. Our aim is to take into account the needs of the disaster managers in an iterative development process, to improve the human actors' involvement in the design projects, to offer the possibility to accept any changes in order to produce highly usable and interactive service-based collaborative services

    Towards new Web Services based Supervisory Systems dedicated to Nomadic Operators

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    This paper outlines new approaches and motivations about supervisory HMI, such as mobility and information access by different human actors belonging to the organization, by using diverse interaction devices, exploiting Web Services and their underlying technologies. The basic concepts are explained in the context of industrial supervision adopting a service oriented architecture (SOA) design approach which makes it possible to integrate real time information from different systems more easily than traditional ones. A representative supervisory scenario which illustrates the approach is described and discussed